Fourteenth Station:
Jesus is Laid in the Tomb

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V) We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You,
R) because by your Holy Cross, You have redeemed the world.


The body of Jesus was buried in the tomb of another.
He who while on earth
did not have a stone on which to rest his head,
did not have a grave in death.
How attached am I to the things of this world!
O soul of mine, beware that you do not perish
with the things of this world that you cling so much to.


O Jesus!
You have set me apart from the world;
why should I seek it?
You have created me for heaven;
what should I want of the world?
O deceitful world with all your vanities, depart from me.
From now on I will follow the way of the Cross
in the footsteps of my Redeemer.
I will face toward my heavenly home
and never look back to the doomed world.

Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory be...

V) Lord, Jesus, crucified!
R) Have mercy on me!

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