The Way of the Cross

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Concluding Prayer

Almighty eternal God and merciful Father!
You have given your beloved Son to the human race
as an example of humility, obedience and patience
that You might lead me bearing my cross on the way of life.
Graciously grant that fired with his infinite love,
I may take up the sweet yoke of the Gospel
together with the mortification of the Cross.

May I one day rise with Him
to joyfully hear the final sentence,
“Come, you blessed of my Father, and possess the kingdom
which has been prepared for you from the beginning,”
where You reign with the Son and the Holy Spirit
and where I hope to reign with You for all eternity.

For the intention of the Holy Father:
Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory be...

The Cross is my sure salvation; the Cross I ever adore;
the Cross of my Lord is with me; the Cross is my refuge.


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This Way of the Cross was published in St. Norbert’s Manual, “A Missal and Manual of the Sacraments and the Sacramentals together with Prayers and Litanies for all occasions.” This beloved little Catholic handbook received the following approbations:

Nihil obstat
Rev. D. H. Hockers, O.Praem. S.T.D.
Appointed censor.

Imprimi potest
Right Reverend S. M. Killeen, O.Praem. Ph.D.
Abbot of West De Pere

+ Stanislaus V. Bona, S.T.D.
Bishop of Green Bay
Green Bay, Wisconsin, April 27, 1953