Third Station:
Jesus Falls the First Time

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V) We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You,
R) because by your Holy Cross, You have redeemed the world.


My dear Savior was so weakened by the heavy weight of the Cross
that He fell exhausted to the ground.
My sins and misdeeds
were the weight that pressed Him to the ground.
The Cross was light and sweet
but my sins were galling and unbearable.


O my Jesus!
How great is your love
that You should bear my burden
and the heavy load of my sins.
Why then should I not be able to bear my few sufferings
and keep your commandments.
Your yoke is sweet and your burden is light;
Therefore, I will willingly accept it,
and take up my cross to follow you.

Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory be...

V) Lord, Jesus, crucified!
R) Have mercy on me!

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